about us

who we are and what we believe

Our Pastor

Reverend Timothy Pettaway, Sr.  is the founder and head pastor of Walk the Word Church in Toledo, Ohio. He is a spirit-filled man of God and a true visionary, known for his compassion and heart for serving others. Known as Pastor Tim to many, he began ministering and teaching as a Sunday school teacher and has used his passion for singing to minister through choirs and traveling groups.

In addition to his pastoral duties, Pastor Tim is actively involved in serving various community organizations throughout Toledo. He is committed to using his gifts and talents to make a positive impact on his community.

Pastor Tim's wife, First Lady Felicia Pettaway, has been by his side since the inception of Walk the Word in 2011, assisting him in leading the church. Together, the happily married couple have been married for 22 years and have three adult children and six grandchildren.

For over two decades, Pastor Tim has ministered with a passion for loving people and building a strong community. He greets every person who attends a Walk the Word service with a hug and/or a word of encouragement, always striving to serve others and display God's love.
 A picture of our leader Dr. P.
Reverend Timothy V. Pettaway, Sr.
Head Pastor

Church overview


To empower through teaching, training, and preaching, so those of faith will be equipped to implement God's word in every area of their life. God's word will be exemplified through their actions, impacting locally, as well as, globally.


To empower all who will listen by preaching and teaching the word of God that our lives will be impacted and our lives will impact others.



“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”2 Corinthians 5:7


Willing to be obedient to the Word of God, the Will of God and the Way of God so that our steps may be ordered by Him.


Allowing the knowledge of the Word to be the foundation for which we live, we move and we have our being.


Letting the Holy Spirit lead and guide us into the path of righteousness and holiness, so that we may stand on the Word of God.


Kneeling in prayer for myself, my family, my ministry and my Shepherd so that the Word of God will be on my mind, in my heart and of my spirit.



Our loyalty to God in which we serve, to ourselves, and to the people of God who need to be served. The levels of honesty and fairness that we have will determine the impact we have on others.

Proverbs 10:9


Our walk of faith on this journey is so important to the kingdom and how it’s portrayed. Our prayer and purpose is that our message about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will give hope, help, and healing, and will impact those in need.

Ephesians 4:29


Participation is the body of believers understanding that this is not on the shoulders of one individual. It’s a collaborative effort of teamwork, sacrifice, and commitment that produces unity and power. With unity comes an impact that is immeasurable.

Hebrews 19:24-25


Attitude determines in so many ways the altitude or the success of the church. We should always attempt to have an attitude that is contagious and impactful, so that the church and the community at large will be ignited and excited to find their relationship with the Lord and Savior.

Philippians 4:8


Communication is essential for the 21st-century church. Over-communicating will be the key to having an impact on directing people to God for themselves. By sharing that Jesus Christ is the savior of us all, being transparent, and letting it be known that we are all sinners saved by his amazing Love and grace.

1 Timothy 2:1-4

Total Person

The Total Person has been impacted by the word of God, the will of God, and the ways of God. As we walk this journey of faith we will realize that there will be some mistakes and missteps but the wise person who builds on the word of God after all that’s been done will still stand.

2 Timothy 2:14-17